Composite Types

From our primitive types, we can build more complex types in memory. The first type we’ll look at is the “array”. An array is a collection of values that have the same type. For example, names are a collection of chars, so we can put them in an array.

In C, we declare a new array like this,

char name[] = {'A', 'l', 'i', 'c', 'e'};

This statement defines a new variable name that holds 5 chars.

We can read and write values in this array by accessing a specific “index” of the array. The index is just the position of the element in the array, counting from the beginning. Perhaps surprisingly, we start counting from 0 instead of 1. So the first element of the array has index 0, the second has index 1, and so on.

name[0] = 'B';
return name[1];

This makes a little more sense if we look at the array in memory. In the interest of saving space, I am going to compress the individual bits into a single block like this,

+---+---+---+---+   +---+---+---+---+
| 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |   | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
+---+---+---+---+   +---+---+---+---+
        \                   /
         \                 /
              |  'A'  |

Just remember that each char is composed of 8 bits of memory, or a byte.

Our name array now looks like this in memory.

|  'A'  |  'l'  |  'i'  |  'c'  |  'e'  |

All 5 characters perfectly lined up next to each other.

Internally, memory is accessed using addresses. When you start writing more complex programs, you will need to work with these addresses directly. But we won’t be using them right now, we just need to know how they work to understand array indices.

Here is our name array again, this time though, I’ve added fake address information. Our variable starts at byte address 544 and extends through byte 548.

|  'A'  |  'l'  |  'i'  |  'c'  |  'e'  |
^       ^       ^       ^       ^
544     545     546     547     548

In general, the variables we declare are just names for addresses in memory. When you declare a new char variable named my_char, C finds an unused byte of memory and associates the address with my_char.

Now the index trick is pretty simple. name is the address of the first character. To get the address of the second character, we just need to jump over the first one. To get the address of the third character, we need to jump over the first two, etc.

name            name[2]
V               V
|  'A'  |  'l'  |  'i'  |  'c'  |  'e'  |
^       ^       ^       ^       ^
544     545     546     547     548

We can calculate the exact address like this,

name[2] = name + 2*sizeof(char)
name[2] = 544 + 2*1
name[2] = 546

So the index is just a counter of how many values we need to skip over before we reach the one we want. Which is why we start counting from 0. When we want the first char in the array, we don’t want to skip any characters.

One nice feature of this system is that it doesn’t matter how big the elements are. chars are only one byte, but other types are bigger. For example, ints are typically four bytes so that we can work with larger numbers; one byte can only hold values up to 256, but 4 bytes can hold up to 4.3 billion.

Even if we change our array from chars to ints, our picture doesn’t change. Here it is again, but with ints,

name            name[2]
V               V
|  123  |  943  |   2   | 1402  |  11   |
^       ^       ^       ^       ^
544     548     552     556     560

The addresses are now 4 apart because each int is 4 bytes long. But that doesn’t change our address calculation.

name[2] = name + 2*sizeof(int)
name[2] = 544 + 2*4
name[2] = 552

No matter what type of objects or how many objects we store in our array, C always knows how to find them by jumping over the earlier ones. Because they are all the same size, it is easy to find any element you ask for.


Arrays work well when you want to store many elements that have the same type, but sometimes we want to group values of different types together.

Many old arcade games had high-score screens at the end. When you scored high enough to make it to the list, you could record your scores with 3 letters to identify yourself. So you might see an entry in the list like AAA - 523 or BOB - 1500.

We want to group the letters and score together so that we always can access them at the same time and don’t mix up which letters go with which numbers.

To do this, we just need to tell C about this new type so that it can map it into memory. We call this new type a “data structure” because it builds a new type out of existing types. In C, we can define a new data structure with the struct keyword.

struct HighScore {
    char    id[3];
    int     score;

We now have a convenient way to work with individual high score entries. We can read and write the values similar to other variables.

struct HighScore score1;[0] = 'B';[1] = 'O';[2] = 'B';
score1.score = 1500;

Here score1 is a variable that contains two values: an array of three chars named id and an int score.

We can define a second HighScore variable just like the first,

struct HighScore score2;[0] = 'A';[1] = 'A';[2] = 'A';
score2.score = 523;

HighScore works just like any other type. When we declare new variables with the type struct HighScore, C has to set aside memory to hold the values. That looks like this,

id                      score
V                       V
|  'B'  |  'O'  |  'B'  | 1500  |
^       ^       ^       ^       ^
544     545     546     547     551

When we ask C for score1.score, it has to perform a similar address calculation to the array calculation. We know that score1 starts at address 544, so we just need to know how far to jump to find the start of the score value.

Our struct is laid out in memory exactly as we defined it in the code. In this case, it is three chars followed by an int. To find the score then, we just need to jump over the three chars.

score1.score = score1 + offset(score)
score1.score = 544 + 3*sizeof(char)
score1.score = 544 + 3*1
score1.score = 547

If tomorrow we decide to make the id an array of ints instead of chars, we don’t need to worry about changing the rest of our code. score1.score will still work exactly as we want it to because it knows it needs to skip three ints instead of three chars.

With the ability to build types out of smaller types, we can work with any data we want. If we can define all the pieces that make up the data we are working with, C can map it into memory for us. Once the data is in memory, we can analyze it, transform it, or send it over a network to another computer.